Previously, it was handmade html files. While I love this approach, I knew that it would come back haunt me if (when) I wanted to change site-wide layouts or theming. For that reason, I wanted to switch over to a static site generator.
In a mix of not-in-house syndrome and overconfidence, I started by writing my own SSG. While this was a fun learning excercise and (given infinite time) a polished version of it would have been perfect for my needs, it turns out that making an ergonomic and powerful templating language takes a lot of work.
With my reality sufficiently checked, I set out on a search.
I eventually decided on Zola for a couple of reasons:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, World!");
So far, I'm happy with this choice & I recommend Zola to anyone else looking for a clean & simple SSG. Now I just need a half-finished project to write about...